
Time in Neves Ferreira, São Tomé and Príncipe now

2024年, November 5日, Tuesday, week 45

Time zone info for Neves Ferreira

UTC +0
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
now 5 hours ahead of New York

Time difference
from Neves Ferreira

Los Angeles
8 hours
8 hours
6 hours
6 hours
New York
5 hours
5 hours
5 hours
5 hours
São Paulo
3 hours
3 hours
Lagos+1 hours
Paris+1 hours
Zurich+1 hours
Cairo+2 hours
Johannesburg+2 hours
Istanbul+3 hours
Moscow+3 hours
Dubai+4 hours
Mumbai+5.5 hours
Hong Kong+8 hours
Shanghai+8 hours
Singapore+8 hours
Tokyo+9 hours
Sydney+11 hours
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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Neves Ferreira

Neves Ferreira on the map

10 places in
São Tomé and Príncipe

Bombom Mantero Santa Clotilde Santa Cruz Santa Elvira Santo António São Jerónimo, Príncipe São Jerónimo, São Tomé Island São João dos Angolares São Tomé